Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sorry about the late post.
As Tas said I also found it interesting how little things can lower our ecologlogical footprint. Someways that I could lower my own footprint is drivimg less, eating more local produce and also eating less meat.

In regars to the way that the ANU is attempting to lower its ecological footprint is by placing recycling stations around the uni enabling people to recycle some of their waste and not just put it all in the bin. The uni also has a hot rot composter. This machine rots down food waste and turns it into compost that can be used on the gardens and in the vegetable garden. When new buildings are being planned they are now planned in conjuction with ANU green, which is organisation that is responsible for the environmental conservation at the uni.

Another simple idea that has been employed is the idea of using old photographic film cartridges as cigarette butt bins. These can be carried around by a person easily as they are only small and prevents butts being left across the uni.

Most of these systems go against the social norms. People are used to just throwing their rubbish, regardless if it is recyclable or food waste, into the one bin and with cigerette butts people would normally just throw them on the ground. However i think with the strong presence of ANUgreen at the uni the social and institutional "norms" are slowly changing and more people are becoming aware of evironemental problems.

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