Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Okay, I'm going to give it a go, as Liam did in telling you guys about our most common type of common, sharehouses. Sharehouses are where generally young people live together in a house or apratment and all contribute money to the rent in order to spread the costs. This can lead to a lot of problems not only are they sharing the rent but also space.

In many situations t can be seen that people when they access to other people's things may use them without asking. For example, if people all contribute to buying a bag of rice because it is cheaper to buy a bigger one, someone might take more than the others. In a lot of cases it is simply easier for everyone to buy their own supplies and label them. Some go so far as to allocating space in the fridge or in the cupboards. It also helps when people who live together get to know each other and care about each other.

A lot of landlords or even tennants of a sharehouse will have a formal or informal set of house rules which are normally told to people before they apply or are visible somewhere in the house. Below is a link to a tenancy website in Queensland that you could look at.


  1. Hey thanks for sharing from your side ! Anyway we will be posting our tutorial 2 topic for discussion soon ya .. Will keep u noted. By the way, if you guys do have any burning questions or discussions please feel free to post at any point of time ya . We are more than willing to answer these ! Have a great week ahead ~ =)

  2. ohhh... so share houses are rather similar to hostels ...? May i know what is the average number of people leaving in a share house? =D
