Thursday, March 19, 2009

Personal take first!

  1. What can you do to reduce your own ecological footprint?
for the first personal question, we have listed some personal yet practical steps:
  • take more public transport. (especially for chengwei, who owns a car. he will attempt to take the NUS internal shuttle bus more often instead of driving his car. :P)
  • support local food instead of imported food
  • switch off our laptops instead of putting it in hibernation or sleep mode, unless necessary
  • switching off the mains when not in use. (e.g. switch off the mains after the handphone is fully charged, and switch off the lights and fans after use.)
  • support energy saving products (like light bulbs, refrigerators, etc.)
  • use the fan instead of the air-con unless necessary
  • when in use, keep the air-con temperature within 23-25 degree Celsius range
  • avoid redundant printing as much as possible


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