Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Be a good neighbour!

Singapore's Housing & Development Board (HDB) have certain appeals and guidelines regarding communal housing. Many issues have been raised in regards to irresponsibility on the neighbour's part. The following are cartoons to help raise awareness among Singaporeans to be more considerate to each other.

In our high-rise, high-density environment, when residents exercise mutual consideration, tolerance and understanding, life becomes more pleasant. Let's Be A Good Neighbour!
Often, neighbourly disputes arise over issues such as wet laundry, dripping mops, littering and noise disturbances at night. In most cases, these are resolved when neighbours start to show more understanding and consideration. Be Considerate to Your Neighbours!

-source (HDB)


The following is a guideline listed in HDB's website to instill responsibility among neighbours.

As part of the HDB community, you can contribute to its well-being and harmony just by observing these simple guidelines:

(i) Show consideration for your neighbours and do not cause nuisance or disturbance to them:
  • When you are carrying out any activity that produces sound or noise, such as listening to the radio, watching TV, playing a musical instrument, carrying out noisy DIY jobs, please avoid doing them late at night or in the early hours of the morning.
  • Please ensure that your children do not make too much noise when playing, or jump or run in the flat excessively.
  • Advise your visitors to refrain from any act or behaviour that may disturb your neighbours.
  • Do not drag furniture or large objects across the floor. Do consider rubber stoppers on furniture legs to absorb noise.
  • Do not hang out wet laundry; wring off excess water first.
  • Do not throw items out of your flat as these can injure passers-by or damage property below.
  • Check your air-conditioners regularly and maintain them in good condition. This will help prevent water from dripping into your neighbour's flat below.
  • Keep your flat clean and tidy and do not store flammable materials.
  • If you keep a dog, do train it well and take good care of it. Do not allow it to disturb your neighbours with incessant barking. Do not chain it to your front door but keep it inside your flat, where you can take care of it. When out in public, keep it on a leash and pick up its droppings and dispose of it in the bin.

(ii) Exercise a reasonable level of tolerance towards your neighbours - some noise is inevitable in high-rise, high-density living.
- source (HDB)

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