Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Human as a resource... hmmmm =)

Heyyy..! After reading the post, our group got inspired... and decided that our previous post was actually lacking in some information...! THe point made about human being a resource was something that we left out... what were on the post previous was mainly on physical resources such as food, water and land...

However, human should not be neglected as a resource in limiting population. Firstly, as mentioned by Tas, there are human services such as people providing healthcare services, such as caretakers, doctors, nurses, that are in shortage. This is the case in Singapore too. Due to the aging population, the increase in demand and need for these services actually pushes these resource to its limit. WIthout them, it is difficult to maintain the aging population.

Another point to be noted is that humans can be technically categorised into 'productive' and 'non-productive' resources. The younger and more able-bodied are considered to be a more productive resource, supporting the less 'productive', or the dependents in the country. Hence, we can say that the 'more productive' population is the valuable resource which the rest of the population depend on... however, the aging population in Singapore, decreasing the 'productive population', increasing the 'dependent population', is resulting in a limit to Singapore's population as well. There is a limit to the number of dependents in which one productive unit can support and this will eventually limit population size.

I hope this makes sense...! =)

Btw, below is a map of Singapore, showing the many competing land uses we have on our very small piece of land and the very small catchment area we have... =\

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